Monday, February 1, 2016

January Wrap Up

January is over and despite being in a rut mid-month, I was able to end the month at rank 5. In my last post I mentioned being stuck at ranks 10 through 12 using a combination of three decks: Mech Mage Aggro, Paladin Aggro, and Face Hunter. In my state of discouragement, I figured I'd stick to the best of those three decks and make a run at it. I chose Paladin Aggro and quickly started gaining ranks. I used the list from the last post, and haven't changed it since. I think the list is very solid and the only change I'd like to make is adding Arcane Golems in place of Wolfrider and I'd like to try out Coghammer and Leroy Jenkins once I can acquire them.

For February I am deciding to mix it up. I still think Aggro Paladin is great, but I'd like to try something different. Talking with a friend of mine, he suggested some decks that I might be able to reach legendary with. He is a much better player than me, so I'll summarize some of his thoughts as they may be helpful to other folks in the same boat as I am.

The decks he presented are decks that have good win percentages and take little time per match. Hitting legendary takes a lot of reps and maximizing time by playing a deck that isn't slow can help achieve legendary status. There are many Paladin decks that have been doing well lately. Included in these are Secret Paladin, Anyfin Can Happen, and Aggro Paladin. I'd like to try out some of the other Paladin decks, but getting the cards is a little difficult at the moment. Some other decks he mentioned are Warlock Zoo and Aggro Warrior. Due to card availability I am planning on trying out the latter two decks. Stayed tuned for results and thoughts, and whether I just should have stuck with Paladin :)

' I feel icky!

 Aggro Warrior

Warlock Zoo

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